After several days of delay, I finally completed the 3D printed rhino thing from Thingiverse. Unfortunately, while I couldn't print the legs in time, I was able to print and sand both parts. Sanding the rhino's head took the longest, after removing the burrs from the ears, horn and around the neck.
Below are the time-lapse video and the Thingiverse thing I made (linked from the original source courtesy of Amaochan
Please watch, like and subscribe for more videos!
Time Lapse of the Rhino
Rhino 3D Print
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Friday, April 24, 2015
Wrapping up post on the latest video!
After a long week of work-related travel, I am nearly finished with printing the last few parts of the upcoming video.
Be sure to check out for the upcoming video tomorrow!
Be sure to check out for the upcoming video tomorrow!
Monday, April 20, 2015
[worklog] 3D printing a batarang
This week - printing a batarang!
This week I printed a 3D version of the batarang, from an STL file created by japhillips87 ( When I first imported the STL file into Slic3r, I noticed there were a few errors along the sharp points of the wings. Using the NetFabb, I was able to repair the errors in the STL file, then I exported the repaired STL file, and finally imported the repaired STL into Slic3r.
Using my default settings in Slic3r, I was able to generate fairly good gcode and exported that to an SD card. My SeeMeCNC Orion Delta printer took approximately two hours and six minutes. Unfortunately during printing, the skirt pulled off of the build plate and the wings curled upwards. I was able to clean up some of the stray plastic "strings" along the ears, but I still need to work on the wings.
Overall I'm satisfied with the print, the STL file was very well designed and the SeeMeCNC Orion Delta printer took very little time to print.
Print/Slicing settings:
Filament: 1.75mm PLA (Natural color)
Filament Needed: 2834mm
Quality: 0.1mm
Print Speed: 20mm/s
Outer Perimeter Speed: 28mm/s
Infill Speed: 20mm/s
Infill: 100%
Shell Thickness: 0.8mm
Printed on: SeeMeCNC Orion Delta printer
Overall I'm satisfied with the print, the STL file was very well designed and the SeeMeCNC Orion Delta printer took very little time to print.
Print/Slicing settings:
Filament: 1.75mm PLA (Natural color)
Filament Needed: 2834mm
Quality: 0.1mm
Print Speed: 20mm/s
Outer Perimeter Speed: 28mm/s
Infill Speed: 20mm/s
Infill: 100%
Shell Thickness: 0.8mm
Printed on: SeeMeCNC Orion Delta printer
Time lapse video of the entire print:
Please like, subscribe and share the video!
802 Printer
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Welcome to 802printer's blog!
Welcome to the 802printer blog.
This blog will feature notes, worklogs, and more for each 3D printed item I create and film on YouTube. Each video, featuring items from, are printed, in a time lapse format, then uploaded in 1080p 60fps format.
I hope you ynjoy the 3D printing content!
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